Mount Carmel Church is a major landmark in Blackley and celebrated its 100 year anniversary in 2010, however it has been subjected to vandalism and lead theft from the roof on 3 occasions during the past 2 years. This had caused a great deal of internal damage and we are commencing a major fund raising programme to fund the repairs and renovations required to restore our magnificent church to its former glory.
If you are visting the church as a wedding guest or attending celebratory family events (baptism, confirmation, first holy communion, school mass) or attending the funeral of a family member or friend, the church provides a magnificent setting for these sacraments and the parishoners are very supportive in all aspects of the parish ministry. If you would be willing to make a donation towards church repairs there are envelopes of the back of church where you can place your gift, which will be gratefully received.
Some parishioners have asked for cash gifts for special anniversaries and birthdays and have gifted these to the parish. Others have requested donations to the church instead of funeral flowers.