Hope In Future
Mount Carmel with St. John Bosco have a vibrant Hope in the Future team.
The Hope in The Future Team have planned parish events please say the Angelus prayer
Latest Document Hope in The Future Sheet 3 HITF_3_Sheet_3
Join England in 2020 for the Consecration to Jesus through Mary (booklets available at back of church). On Friday 21st February all are invited to begin a personal consecration to Jesus through Mary. All who are following the consecration will consecrate themselves to Jesus through Mary on the Annunciation Day, Wednesday 25th March 2020. The tradition of the Dowry of Mary comes from the ancient Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham, where the Virgin Mary’s house was built in 1061 and words attributed to Edward the Confessor states that England was Mary’s Dowry. The first dedication was made by King Richard 11 in Westminster Abbey as he sought protection of Our Lady in the face of great political turmoil. At this point, England received the title “Mary’s Dowry” : meaning that England was “set aside” as a gift =, a dowry , for Our Lady under the guidance and protection.
In the year 2020 the Bishops of England and wales are rededicating our land to the Dowry of Mary. We want to live the Covenant of Love in our families to create a culture of encounter among ourselves and with the God of our lives, who walks with us as we take up this pilgrimage to form a New Nazareth for our times.
Our Parish has registered to take part in the re-dedication act. England should again belong to Mary and put under her protection and care. When we pray the Angelus (which we ask you to do every day at 12pm and 6pm ) we repeat Mary’s yes to the plan of Love of God. On Sunday 29th March 2020 we will be holding a personal dedication of England as the Dowry of Mary. This will take place at 12pm in Westminster Abbey, Walsingham, together with every Cathedral, every parish and as many homes as possible.
In the booklet there is a prayer for every day which will be said after every Mass throughout the 33 days, if you are unable to attend Mass then please say the prayer in your own home each day.
Stage 2 “Harvesting Our Talents” If you are part of a parish group please contact a member of the Hope in The Future Team to be included in the Parish Directory.
The core members of the team are:
- Patty Ganley
- Margaret Dolan
- Jim Dolan
- Amanda Donoghue
- Paula Ford
- Sheila Pawson
- Sandra Borg Fenech
- Norman Curran
- Kim Mc Cauley
- Lorraine McCauley
- Fae Thomas
- Faith Whiting
- Nicola Malone
- Julie Royle
- Janet Parkinson
We have worked together to establish all the talent we have in both our churches. We made a talent tree to show our groups. This tree can be found in both churches.
The Parish groups 1 are:
Renovation Committee, S.V.P., Cleaners, Schoenstatt Group, Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, RCIA, Sacramental Programme, Marriage Preparation Group, Children’s Liturgy,U.C.M.,Altar Servers,Sacristan, CAFOD, Funeral Helpers, Caritas, Choir, Youth, Gift Aid Envelopes, Candle Ordering, Apparitors, Piety Stall, Registrars, Newspapers, Baptism, Parents/Toddlers, Flowers, Collections/Money Counting, Aid for the Church in Need, Safeguarding, Emptying Boxes, Social Committee, Banking, Mother’s Prayer Group, Children of Galilee, Teachers/School Staff, Fair Committee, Linen.
If you know of any group we have missed off the list or would like to join and be part of any group please see any of the core group.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

St John Bosco